
Marty Brown Fired

details are in his blog:
Marty Brown is Loving Japan! 日本大好き!マーティー・ブラウン

I was so surprized and disappointed.
I tought we could see you next year.

i had been facinated by Nomura.
but i welcomed you and soon become your fan. you showed us an another baseball.
that gave me wider view to baseball. exciteng experiment.

i am not so disappointed about the place 6th.
win rate is almost as same as Lotte (5th)in the last year.
if we didnt get the lucky 2nd place, most of funs would have accepted with hope like 2006-2008 seasons.

Eagles fans, stuffs, and newswritters were so much used to Nomura's ways.

so they tend to think different ways are wrong ways.

I think you should be given oppotunities to explain your saihai which are criticized onesidedly.
in addition, i really want to hear how you did,thought,felt,,, in this year, and you would modify the team in the nexr year, as you said.

i would be very happy if you write such rhings here, or publish.

thank you Marty for many enjoyable games.


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